1.Loss of tension
1)Blade being used on misalign saw.
Check for proper saw alignment.
2)Blade is excessively hard for the material being cut, creating stress on the steel core.
Make certain blade is correct for material being cut.
3) Material slippage causing blade to twistand become bent.
Maintain tight grip on material while sawing.
4)Utilizing blade flanges that are under size or not the same diameter, creating unevenpressure on the core.
Make certain blade flanges are proper sizeand identical diameter.
5)Blade being used at incorrect RPM. Make certain blade shaft is turning at theproper RPM by using a tachometer.This is especially important with concrete saws.
6)Blade improperly mounted on arbor shoulderhence becoming distorted when flanges aretightened. Hold blade securely on arbor shoulder untiloutside flange and nut are firmly tightened.
1) Undercutting is a condition in which thesteel core wears faster than the diamondsegment, especially in the areas where the segment and core are joined. The condition is caused by a highly abrasive materialgrinding against the blade during the sawingoperation.
Using undercut protectors specially positionedaround the steel core to change the patternof constant abrasion. Although successful inmost cases, undercut protectors do not provide100% protection. Use high water flow to wash out swan.
2) With a floor saw, sawing all the waythrough the material, allowing thecoolant water to escape from the kerf andthus overheating the blade.
Set the cutting depth several millimetres lessthan the total thickness of the slab,thus allowing water to stay in the kerf.
3.Uneven Segment Wear
1) Segments worn on one side reducing sideclearance, usually caused by misalignment ofthe saw or a lack of sufficient water on both sidesof the blade.
Check saw alignment. Clean water system,making certain that water is properly appliedto the leading edge of the blade flanges.Check to see if pump is supplying sufficient even water .
2) Blade is worn out-of-round due to badbearings, worn arbor, missing bushing,arbor hole larger than arbor, cleanlinessof or damage to flange surfaces or excessivedulling condition.
Replace bearing or worn arbor as required.Inspect flanges for damage and foreign materials;replace if necessary. Do not removedrive pins when supplied with blade flanges.
4.Cracked Segments
1) Blade bond is too hard for the materialbeing cut.
Use blade with a softer bond.
2) Cutting speed too fast.
Reduce speed of advance.
5.Excessive Wear
1) Using too soft a bonded blade on highly abrasive material (e.g. using a concrete blade to cut asphalt or green concrete).
Use a blade for cutting abrasive materials.
2) Lack of sufficient coolant to the blade.Often detected by excessive wear in thecore of the segment
Clean up water coolant system, Makesure water pump is functioning correctly.
3) Wearing out-of-round accelerates wear.Usually caused by bad bearings, worn shaft orusing a blade with too hard a bond for the material being cut. Check bearings and arbor, if wornreplace with new parts before installinganother blade.
4) Insufficient power caused by loose v-belts, inadequate voltage or improper RPM’s. Tighten belts . Replace worn belts.Check supply voltages.
5) Cutting speed too fast. Reduce rate of advance.
6)Blade not perpendicular to material beingcut. Check blade shaft flanges to ensure properalignment of the blade and equipment.
7) Blade shaft RPM too low. Check operating RPM of blade shaft.If necessary change equipment or modify’blade shaft speed.
6.Segment Loss
1) The material slips during cutting which twists or jams the segments loose.
Hold the material securely while cutting.
2)Blade is too hard for the material being cut, causing excessive dullness, which causes thesegment to pound off or fatigue.
Use a softer blade bond specification.
3)Worn blade flanges fail to provide propersupport causing the blade to deflect. Replace both blade flanges.
4)Out of round blade rotation resulting in pounding caused by worn arbor or bad bearings in the shaft. Replace worn arbor and/or bearings
5)Overheating. Usually easily detected by bluishcolor on steel core, generally confined to the areawhere the segment was lost. Check the water system for blocked waterpassages. Test pump to see if it isfunctioning correctly. For dry cutting it may benecessary to make shallower cuts and allow theblade to run free every few minutes tolet the air cool it.
6)Segment is subjected to sudden, sharp joltingWhilst moving the machine or when contacting the material being cut. Avoid jarring the blade when transporting themachine. Contact the material being cut withslow even, reciprocal movements.
7.Overheated Blade
1)Adequate coolant was not provided.
Check water supply for adequate volumeand for obstructions through water system.Use dry blades ONLY for shallow cutting(2-5cm deep) or step cutting. Allow bladeto run free every 10-15 seconds to increaseairflow cooling.
2)Using improper bond specification forthe material being cut.
Contact our technical help linefor an accurate bond specification recommendation.
3)Cutting speed too fast. Reduce speed of advance.
8.Arbor Hole Out Of Round
1)Saw arbor badly worn due to blade beingimproperly seated.
Be certain the blade is properly seatedon the arbor before tightening the flange.
2)Blade flanges not properly tightenedpermitting blade to rotate or shaft.
Always wrench tighten arbor nut; neverhand tighten. Always use hex nuts,not wing nuts.
3)Blade flanges or arbor shaft worn and not providing blade suppo Check blade flanges or arbor shaft for wear,foreign matter and proper tightness. Bothflanges should be tightened no less than themanufacturers recommended figure.Replace any worn machine parts.
1)The blade bond is too hard for the materialbeing cut. The harder bond retains thediamonds and they begin to round off, causing the blade to become dull. Instead of cutting the blade begins to pound’, causing the blade to wear out of round.
Change to a softer bond of blade which will wearaway more readily allowing new, sharp diamondsand hence a new cutting edge to be exposed.
2)The saw blade shaft may have a groovescored in it, caused by the blade spinning between the flanges. A new blade installed on the arbor shaft will seat into the groove andimmediately run eccentrically when the saw starts.
Replace the worn shaft.
3)If the blade shaft bearings are worn, the shaftand mandrel will run eccentrically, causing theblade to wear out of round. This happens mostoften with concrete saws when proper lubrication of the bearings is neglected. Install new blade shaft bearings. In somecases it may also be necessary to replace the bladeshaft if it is worn or out of alignment.
10.Blade Won’t Cut
1) Blade bond too hard for the materialsbeing cut
Choose a softer bond.
2) Insufficient power to permit blade to cutproperly. (Loose v-belts, low voltage, insufficient horsepower motor).
Check belts, voltage and motor output.
3) Blade has become dull due to continuoususe on fairly hard or vitrified material. Redress blade on an abrasive material untildiamonds become exposed again. Thismay be necessary occasionally, however ifdullness occurs too often, the blade bond islikely to be too hard for the material being cut.
4) Blade becomes glazed due to inadequate pressure against the material being cut. Ensure adequate but not excessivepressure to keep the blade sharpened.
5) Blade segments appear to still have plentyof life, but will not cut. Some harder bonded blades designed forabrasive materials require a non-diamond bearingsection or ‘free-back’ at the base of the segment,for better adherence to the steel core.A blade used to this stage has worn out inthe normal manner and should be replaced.
6)Blade becomes glazed due to excessive RPM. Match blade diameter and specification to machine
11.Cracked Core
1)Blade bond too hard for the material being cut.
Use correct blade with a softer bond.
2)Excessive cutting pressure, or jamming and twisting of the blade in the cut can cause the bladecore to bend or flex. When subjected to extremestress and metal fatigue, the blades steel core will eventually crack.
The saw operator should use steady reciprocal infeed pressure and be careful not to twistor jam the blade in the cut.
3)Overheating through inadequate water supplyor improper use of dry cutting blades. Use adequate water to cool wet-cutting blades.Allow adequate airflow around dry-cuttingblades to prevent overheating.
4)RPM too high. Check operating RPM of blade shaft.Change equipment or blades if necessary.